This tester machine is design to test the stiffness of small and thin hair-like materials that  are  semi-rigid.  (Ex:  bristles,  soft  sheets,  etc.)  The  tester  bends  the  sample material and measures the force to define the materials stiffness.
Recoil force of the hair or other sample material is measured by bending. Based on this characteristic, the length can be set at 1、5、10、15、20、25、50mm distances. The angle of the test can also be adjusted with range of 1-90 ゜ Choose suitable distance and angle base on the selected hair to get maximum force value after bending.

Product Description

This tester machine is design to test the stiffness of small and thin hair-like materials that  are  semi-rigid.  (Ex:  bristles,  soft  sheets,  etc.)  The  tester  bends  the  sample material and measures the force to define the materials stiffness.
Recoil force of the hair or other sample material is measured by bending. Based on this characteristic, the length can be set at 1、5、10、15、20、25、50mm distances. The angle of the test can also be adjusted with range of 1-90 ゜ Choose suitable distance and angle base on the selected hair to get maximum force value after bending.

Plastic and hairbrush


Test capacity Max. 500g
Test angle 1~90° adjustable
Test length 1、5、10、15、20、25、50mm
Speed 5°  ~100° / sec (Adjustable)
Accessory Software connection
Weight 20kg
Dimension 40x35x32cm(H)

Download catalog

QC-643 Stiffness Tester catalog (pdf)